HSI 582: What is the Declaration of Educational Independence? Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins
This is an excerpt from Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins‘ interview on the Declaration of Educational Independence on the Schoolhouse Rocked Podcast. Watch or listen to the full interview here. Yvette Hampton engages in a dynamic conversation with Alex Newman and Leigh Bortins about the Declaration of Educational Independence. Discover their powerful arguments against government involvement in education, the biblical basis for family-led […]
CP 139: Hey moms of boys! A conversation with Durenda Wilson
Be sure to visit cultureproof.net Please consider supporting the Culture Proof Podcast. We aim to bring engaging content that will challenge and equip Christians to live according to the Straight Edge of Scripture. All gifts are tax deductible. Our Address is: S.E. Ministries PO Box 1269 Saltillo MS, 38866 Episode sponsors: BJUPress Homeschool Blue […]